Friday, September 21, 2012

Archetypes and Stereotypes in Disney

The Disney genre also has a particular set of characters. Disney is heavy in their archetypes. Every Disney film has the perfect villain. The villain who is pure evil. For example the witch in Snow White, she did not have a single good bone in her body. She was evil and Disney made sure you knew that through archetypes. There is also prince charming. There is always the handsome perfect hero who will do anything to save the damsel in distress. Archetypes today however, aren't as prevalent as they were in the past. For example in Tangled the hero we meet was not the perfect prince charming. In the beginning he is an extremely selfish person and a thief. He has to meet his princess before he can become the prince charming Disney is accustomed to.
Stereotypes were also extremely prevalent in early Disney films. In the days of early Disney stereotypes were an easy way for viewers to understand characters before there was politically correctness. A good example of stereotypes are the crows in Dumbo. These crows are very stereotypical of what people thought African Americans were. The crows speak in a southern slang and have shabby clothes. In modern times these crows can be seen as racist, but in the day it was made it was acceptable. It just shows how times have changed.

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